February 17, 2016
iMedicor is a national provider for secure, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant messaging through a proprietary program called the iCore Exchange. The iCore Exchange allows dentists, patients and other healthcare providers to communicate, collaborate and exchange records/x-rays, with the assurance they are in full compliance with all current federal HIPAA laws. Is your email service HIPAA-compliant?
Featured Products and Services
The iCore Exchange acts as a messaging hub allowing multiple email providers (secure and non-secure) to be managed and accessed through an easy-to-navigate dashboard. The iCore Exchange is cloud-based, which eliminates hardware and IT costs, and can be accessed at any time from any location with an Internet connection.
Do you already have an email provider or software system you are currently sending and receiving files through and do not want to change? No problem, the iCore Exchange integrates seamlessly with most Electronic Health Record, imaging (x-rays) and messaging systems. The iCore Exchange provides many features, but the greatest benefit is the protection against ever increasing HIPAA fines and violations ranging from $50,000 to $1.5 million. Is your email system HIPAA-compliant?
iMedicor Discount for CDA Members
CDA members receive a 35% discount on subscriptions to iMedicor’s iCore Exchange. That means for $22.50 a month (a savings of $12.50 a month) you can ensure your practice is in compliance with HIPAA regulations.
Contact iMedicor
Visit iMedicor.com and the CDA Endorsed Products or call 800-624-0237 to learn more about how this CDA-endorsed company can help you!