February 12, 2016
The CDA Annual Session is Saturday, June 11, 2016, at the Embassy Suites Loveland. Unlike traditional three-day annual meetings, this year’s Annual Session will be one day. You’ll still get down to business in the House of Delegates, network over a luncheon, learn about current trends in dentistry and unwind at the Past President’s Reception. What’s missing this year is a continuing education track. We’d like to encourage you to take advantage of the plethora of continuing education courses the American Dental Association is offering at its Annual Session in Denver, Oct. 20-25, 2016.
Become a CDA Delegate
The CDA is preparing for the 2016 House of Delegates. This is a great opportunity for you to get involved with organized dentistry. Represent your component as a delegate to the CDA House of Delegates. The role of a delegate allows you to learn about and take action on issues affecting your profession. If you would like to represent your component as a CDA delegate, contact your component president or the CDA (303-740-6900 or info@cdaonline.org). Prior experience is not necessary to be a CDA delegate, and we encourage anyone interested to participate. This is a great opportunity for new dentists to get involved and network with other dentists statewide. The deadline to submit your name is April 8.
Be Elected to Serve Your Profession
The CDA House of Delegates will be electing new officers during the Annual Session. If you are interested in running for CDA treasurer (Metro Denver Dental Society members only) or CDA second vice president (non-Metro Denver Dental Society members only), contact Molly Pereira at the CDA by April 8 at molly@cdaonline.org or 303-996-2844.
If you have questions, contact Molly Pereira at molly@cdaonline.org or 303-996-2844.