Ninth Amended PHO 20-29 Released

Molly PereiraFeatured News

On Dec. 15, CDPHE released the ninth amended Public Health Order that impacts dental procedures and treatment.

Read the latest version of PHO 20-29.

The latest revision of PHO 20-29 made very few changes. We encourage you to read the order in its entirety. Following, are the noted changes that appear in this ninth amended version of PHO 20-29.

  • As of Dec. 11, 2020, there were 281,673 cases of COVID-19 in Colorado. 3,012 Coloradans have died from COVID-19.

Facemask Allowances:

  • Clarification was provided that, “Facemasks and cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.”

Pre-Appointment Screening:

  • In regard to universal symptom and exposure screening for staff, patients and visitors, your screening process “should include telephonic screening of all patients for symptoms consistent with COVID-19.” 
  • In addition to screening questions noted in previous versions of PHO 20-29, patients should be asked “if they have been advised to self-quarantine because of exposure to someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection. If a patient or visitor reports symptoms or reports being advised to self-quarantine, refer them to their primary care physician and make every attempt to delay dental treatment until the patient is cleared for treatment.”

Infection Control:

  • Dental offices should:
    • “Post visual alerts (e.g., signs, posters) at the entrance and in strategic places (e.g., waiting areas, elevators, break rooms) to provide instructions in appropriate languages about hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. Instructions should include wearing a cloth face covering or facemask for source control, and how and when to perform hand hygiene.
    • Provide supplies for respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, including alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) with at least 60% alcohol, tissues, and no-touch receptacles for disposal, at healthcare facility entrances, waiting rooms, and patient check-ins.”

This version of PHO 20-29 will expire 30 days from Dec. 13, 2020 unless extended, rescinded, superseded or amended in writing.