Revised Public Health Order Now Available

Kelsey CreehanFeatured News

June 25, 2002
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment released a revised public health order today for voluntary or elective surgeries and procedures in Colorado.

June 25 Public Health Order 20-29

Very few changes were made in this third amended PHO, however, there are a few items to note:

  • During aerosol-generating procedures conducted on patients assumed to be non-contagious, the workforce should use an N95 respirator or a respirator that offers a higher level of protection such as other disposable filtering facepiece respirators, PAPRs, or elastomeric respirators, if available.”
  • The order emphasizes multiple times that nonmedical personnel, patients and visitors should wear a face covering “that covers both the nose and mouth.”
  • In the prior PHO, a 15-minute waiting period after the patient has exited was required (to allow for droplets to settle) before cleaning the operatory. This text was removed in the new PHO and replaced with: “The dental Facility must implement administrative and engineering controls to minimize the risk of potentially infectious aerosols spreading during and between patient appointments and throughout the facility.”

  • Regarding patient screening protocols facilities should: “Telephone screen all patients and visitors for symptoms and exposure consistent with COVID-19. If the patient reports symptoms of COVID-19, avoid non-emergent dental care. If possible, delay dental care until the patient has recovered. Patients’ and visitors’ temperatures should be taken upon arrival to the building using a touchless thermometer or one that is properly cleaned and disinfected after each use, following manufacturer’s instructions.”
  • Hand sanitizer should contain 60-95% alcohol to reduce the risk of disease transmission.
This PHO is in effect for one month, until 11:59 p.m. on July 24, 2020.