Screen Time Currency & the Transaction of Saying No

Molly PereiraFeatured News

By Molly Pereira, CDA Associate Executive Director From the Winter 2021 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association  “We should get together sometime.” “Sounds great, I’d love that. I’ll talk with you soon!” End result: Neither party called the other, there were no hard feelings and both parties checked the, “I was a good friend” box. This is a common way adults …

Your Permission Slip for Self-care

Molly PereiraFeatured News

By Myriah Shimatsu From the Fall 2020 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association We have all heard the saying you cannot pour from an empty cup…yet, how many of us live by this rule? Self-care does not have to be booking an appointment at a spa or practicing meditation every day—although these are lovely options to consider. There are many forms …

Your Permission Slip

Molly PereiraFeatured News

From the Fall 2020 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association By Myriah Shimatsu We have all heard the saying you cannot pour from an empty cup…yet, how many of us live by this rule? Self-care does not have to be booking an appointment at a spa or practicing meditation every day—although these are lovely options to consider. There are many …