Dr. Jeff Kahl Delivers CU School of Dental Medicine Keynote

Kelsey CreehanFeatured News

On May 25, dental graduates from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine received their Doctor of Dental Surgery degrees. CDA President-Elect and CU alumna Jeff Kahl, D.D.S., delivered the keynote address. Dr. Kahl discussed his substantial involvement in organized dentistry and oral health advocacy. This involvement ultimately helps the public and the patients he serves while allowing him to do what he loves every day. He also highlighted one of his most significant sources of fulfillment – helping drive improved access to oral healthcare in Colorado. Dr. Kahl concluded his address with this message:

“In the end, if you just focus on the important stuff – taking care of people and enjoying being a part of all of this – the rest will work itself out. And in 20 years when you’re where I am – and I am OLD – it’s not going to matter how many awards you’ve been given or how financially successful you are. What will matter is whether or not you were able to identify your sweet spot in fulfillment.”

Congratulations to the Class of 2019!