The Colorado Dental Board Requests Input on Rules and Polices

Molly PereiraFeatured News

December 21, 2015

The Colorado Dental Board is conducting a comprehensive review of its rules and policies. Several Dental Board rules were already reviewed as part of Sunset Review rulemaking conducted in early 2015. Now, the Dental Board is tackling all remaining rules and policies (a full list of rules being reviewed is included at the bottom of this article).

Primary topics included in the current rule review include: recordkeeping, infection control, medical immobilization, advertising, x-ray training, and interim therapeutic restoration placement by dental hygienists. Additionally, several sunset review topics will be revisited including anesthesia (specifically the inspection process), lasers and fining. There has also been discussion of the addition of rules or policies on the following topics: sleep apnea training, rubber dam use for root canals, marijuana use policy for licensees and complaints against State Board members.
The Dental Board is seeking input from stakeholders, including dentists and dental hygienists, to identify necessary revisions to these rules and policies. Dentists and dental hygienists are invited to help by:
• Requesting revisions to existing rules that are confusing or unclear;
• Sharing concepts and rule language that you like, as applicable;
• Identifying topics that aren’t currently addressed in rules that should be; and
• Providing any other comments or feedback.
To ensure due consideration, please submit written comments and feedback on Dental Board rules and policies by the end of 2015. Comments may be submitted to Please send a copy of your comments to Dentists and dental hygienists also may share their comments in person at upcoming full Board and committee meetings.
Four committees will be established to conduct an in-depth review of all rules and policies. Rules will be split by topic among the four committees. The committees are expected to meet in January and February 2016 and present their recommendations to the full Dental Board at its Feb. 24, 2016, meeting (which will be held at 1 p.m. in Conference Room 110D at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202). All meetings are open to the public. The CDA will publicize the committee meeting schedule as soon as it is available.
Also up for review are uniform standards for consistent training for dental hygienists who place interim therapeutic restorations (ITR), as required by House Bill 15-1309. This new law expands the dental hygienists’ scope of practice in Colorado by allowing them to place ITRs under the supervision of a dentist after completing appropriate coursework and applying for and obtaining a permit from the Board. An advisory committee has drafted recommended training standards for the State Board’s review. The Interim Therapeutic Restorations Advisory Committee issued its final report (link to report) Dec. 3, 2015, and the State Board will consider its training rule recommendations at its Feb. 24, 2016 meeting.
2015 Dental Board Rules (see a list of specific rules under review below)
2015 Dental Board Policies (all Board policies are currently up for review)
Upcoming Meetings
• TBD (evenings in January-February 2016): approx. 8 committee meeting dates to review Dental Board Rules and Policies (1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202)
• Jan. 20, 2016, 1 p.m.:  State Board full meeting (Conference Room 1250C at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202)
• Feb. 2, 2016, 2-4 p.m.: ITR Rule input session (Conference Room 110D at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202)
• Feb. 24, 2016, 1 p.m.: State Board full meeting (Conference Room 110D at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202)
• Apr. 28, 2016, 8 a.m.: State Board full meeting (Conference Room 110D at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202)
Rules under Review
• Rule II. Financial Responsibility Exemptions;
• Rule IV. License Presentation;
• Rule V. Practice in Education and Research Programs;
• Rule VI. Treatment Provider Identification;
• Rule VII. Patient Records Retention;
• Rule VIII. Patient Records in the Custody of a Dentist or Dental Hygienist;
• Rule IX. Controlled Substance Record Keeping Requirements;
• Rule X. Minimum Standards for Qualifications, Training and Education for Unlicensed Personnel Exposing Patients to Ionizing Radiation;
• Rule XIV. Anesthesia;
• Rule XV. Pediatric Case Management; Medical Immobilization/Protective Stabilization;
• Rule XVI. Infection Control;
• Rule XVII. Advertising;
• Rule XVIII. Protocol for Termination of Practice upon Revocation, Relinquishment, or Suspension for more than 90 days of Dental License;
• Rule XIX. Protocol for Suspension of Dental License for less than 90 days (Summary Suspension and Suspension of less than 90 days);
• Rule XX. Compliance with Board Subpoena;
• Rule XXI. Declaratory Order;
• Rule XXII. Practice Monitor Consultant Guidelines; and
• Rule XXIV. Fining Schedule for Violations of the Dental Practice Act and Board Rules.