Your CDA Executive Committee, Board of Trustees and staff will be working tirelessly on behalf of you and the association! Enjoy learning more about our structure and governance in the links below!
The Colorado Dental Association is the professional association of dentists that fosters the success of a diverse membership and advances the oral health of the public.
The Colorado Dental Association is the recognized leading advocate for oral health in Colorado.
Core Values
The members of the Colorado Dental Association believe in and endeavor to practice the following core values:
- Effective Leadership
- Open Communication
- Ethical Behavior
- Moral Courage
- Strong Advocacy
- Fellowship
- Teamwork
Welcome to the Colorado Dental Association Board of Trustees training materials and onboarding!
This four-part Resource Guide is designed to familiarize you with our organization’s mission, structure, responsibilities, goals and expectations.
- Section 1: Board Basics – Learn what it means to serve on a Board and the responsibilities you have as a Board member.
- Section 2: All About the CDA – Learn about the CDA and the Board of Trustee’s role in governance and oversight.
- Section 3: Fiduciary Responsibility – Learn how to read CDA financial statements and what your duty is regarding financial oversight.
- Attestation and Acknowledgement: Please sign the attestation page and Conflict of Interest Disclosure form and return them to the CDA executive director.
Additional Resources:
- Watch Dr. Kathleen O’Loughlin’s Governance Training for Board Members
- Watch the CDA Financial Onboarding Training for Board Members

Board & Team
The CDA Board of Trustees is comprised of CDA officers and a representative from each component society, the New Dentist Council and the CU School of Dental Medicine.
Learn moreCDA Officers
The CDA Executive Committee is comprised of the elected President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Speaker of the House, and the appointed Editor and Executive Director.
Learn moreComponent Leaders
CDA members are also members of their local geographic component societies. Each of the 10 components has elected leadership, bylaws and benefits for their members.
The CDA is governed by the House of Delegates and Board of Trustees. In addition, the CDA has several councils, committees and task forces composed of member volunteers. Expand the below categories to learn more and get involved!
CDA Councils
Membership Council
The CDA Membership Council is dedicated to overseeing the association's membership recruitment and retention efforts in addition to member benefits and wellness. The council increases awareness about the importance of membership, networking and exclusive benefits.
Get Involved!
Volunteer Time Commitment: Quarterly Zoom meetings for two hours during the evening and special program assistance as needed.
Council Members:
Dr. Jillian Stacey, Chair
Dr. Asha Chinni
Page Ehlis, CU Student
Dr. Melissa Goodpaster
Dr. Sati Khalsa
Dr. Nate Kunzman
Dr. Cameron Reece
Dr. Amy Rosinsky
Dr. Tina Skinner
Staff Liaison:
Amanda Dougherty, 303-996-2842
Government Relations Council
Get Involved!
Volunteer Time Commitment: Approximately four to five meetings a year and meetings are scheduled as needed. The meetings are in the evening and are one to two hours via Zoom. Bi-weekly 30-minute lunchtime meetings take place during the Legislative Session which spans from Jan. to May. Additional time will be required reviewing materials via email as needed.
Council Members:
Dr. Karen Foster, Chair
Dr. Lindsay Compton
Dr. Jeff Kahl
Dr. Jeff Lodl
Dr. James Parfitt
Dr. Leah Schulz
Dr. Tim Stacey
Dr. Daniel Wilson
James 'Boomer' Stamps, CU Student
Staff Liaison:
Lauren Harvey 303-996-2847
Finance Council
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Seven meetings a year. All meetings are in the evening from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. July 1, 2024, Sept. 30, 2024, Jan. 27, 2025, April 7, 2025.
Council Members:
Dr. Bryan (Tim Marshall), Chair
Dr. Jessica Allen
Dr. Jeffrey Heyse Jr.
Dr. Rick Mueller
Dr. Kevin Patterson
Dr. Michael Scheidt
Dr. Jane Yang
Molly Pereira, executive director
Staff Liaison
Pam Brockhaus, 303-996-2843
Susan Schaefer, 303-996-2845
New Dentist Council
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Approximately four to five meetings a year and meetings are scheduled as needed. All meetings are in the evening and are usually 1.5-2 hours via Zoom except for at least one in-person meeting.
Council Members:
Dr. Brandon Scheer, Chair
Dr. William Lee, Vice Chair
Dr. Chris Adkins
Dr. Blythe Ferguson
Dr. Gina Giangreco
Dr. Melissa Goodpaster
Dr. Isabella Jasek
Dr. Amy Rosinsky
Dr. Ann Skradski
Dr. Jillian Stacey
Dr. Emily Waikem
Dr. Evin Worthington
Staff Liaison:
Amanda Dougherty, 303-996-2842
Peer Review, Ethics and Conduct Council
Ethics and Professional Conduct Charter
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: As needed when cases arise.
Peer Mediation Program:
Dr. Daniel J Selner, Chair
Dr. Doug Heller
Dr. Kevin Patterson
Dr. Jon Anderson
Ethics and Professional Conduct Council:
Dr. Daniel J Selner, Chair
Dr. Doug Heller
Dr. Stephenie Kaufmann
Dr. Richard Murdoch
Dr. Rhett Murray
Dr. Kevin Patterson
Dr. Veronica Ray
Dr. Heidi Winquist
Staff Liaison:
Molly Pereira, 303-996-2844
Component Leaders Council
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Approximately six meetings a year: Feb, April, June, August, October & Dec. All meetings are in the evening and are one to two hours via Zoom.
Council Members:
Dr. Tina Skinner, Chair
Dr. Jeff Lodl, Co-Chair
Dr. Maggie Chavez
Dr. Dane Christensen
Dr. Nicole Ferrara
Dr. Jillian Horkan
Dr. Susan Kutis
Dr. Sarah Lee
Dr. Carol Marshall
Dr. Cameron Reece
Dr. Jameson Ribbens
Dr. Emily Riesgraff
Dr. Nathan Ringer
Dr. Bryan Savage
Dr. Jeane Schoemaker
Dr. Neil Schoemaker
Dr. Brian Warner
Dr. Edith Weststeyn
Dr. Daniel Yacoob
Staff Liaison:
Amanda Dougherty, 303-996-2842
CDA Task Forces
New Dues Membership Model Task Force
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: This is a newly created task force in response to the ADA's proposed new membership dues model. Meetings are yet to be determined but will most likely be a mix of Zoom and at least once in-person.
Task Force Members:
Dr. Nate Kunzman - Chair -WELD
Dr. Kevin Patterson - President
Dr. Jillian Stacey - President-Elect
Shelly Fava - MDDS Executive Director
Cara Stan - MDDS Director of Marketing
Patti Drebes - CSDS Executive Director
Amanda Dougherty - CDA Director of Membership
Molly Pereira - CDA Executive Director
CDA Committees
Sunset Review Committee
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Time commitment is unique to the Sunset Review Process, which occurs every 10 years. The next Sunset of the Dental Practice Act will occur in 2025.
Committee Members:
Dr. Kevin Patterson, Chair
Dr. Jonathan Boynton
Dr. Karen Foster
Dr. Lisa Fox
Dr. Jeff Kahl
Dr. Jesus Machado
Dr. Bob Murphy
Dr. Steve Nelson
Dr. Ken Peters
Dr. Cameron Reece
Dr. Jillian Stacey
Staff Liaison:
Lauren Harvey 303-996-2847
Medicaid Committee
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Meetings are one hour every other month on Zoom or as needed.
Committee Members:
Dr. Jeffrey Lodl, Chair
Dr. Matt Carlston
Dr. Nate Kunzman
Dr. Shaheen Moezzi
Dr. Chris Morris
Dr. Carol Morrow
Dr. Leah Schulz
Dr. Jill Shonka
Dr. Andrew Stubbs
Dr. Garry Van Genderen
Dr. Emily Waikem
Staff Liaison:
Molly Pereira, 303-996-2844
Third Party Payor Committee
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Meetings are one hour every other month on Zoom or as needed.
Committee Members:
Dr. Lindsay Compton, Chair
Dr. Jillian Horkan
Dr. Jeff Kahl
Dr. Sarah Kate Lee
Dr. Kristiane Naegler
Dr. Kevin Patterson
Dr. Hayley Quartuccio
Dr. Andrea Schmidt
Dr. Michael Varley
Staff Liaison:
Molly Pereira, 303-996-2844
Colorado Dental Political Action Committee
The Colorado Dental Political Action Committee (CODPAC) raises money to support state legislators who understand the importance of dentistry and are committed to the oral health of Coloradans. CODPAC dollars are the general fund used to educate legislators on dental issues and support legislators who back dentistry’s key issues. CODPAC limits individual contributions to $725 per election cycle.
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: This committee meets for two hours, two to three times per year. During election years, additional hours are needed to meet with legislative candidates.
Committee Members:
Dr. Leah Schulz, Chair
Dr. Zach Alleman, Treasurer
Dr. Donny Hull
Dr. Jeff Kahl
Dr. Ethan Kerns
Dr. Carrie Mauterer
Dr. Jillian Stacey
Staff Liaison:
Molly Pereira, 303-996-2844
Small Donor Committee
The Colorado Dental Small Donor Committee (CDSDC) supports legislators who have gone above and beyond their peers to support dentistry – these legislators are dentistry’s best legislative champions. CDSDC has grown to be a notable player in Colorado’s healthcare political giving landscape. CDSDC limits individual contributions to $50 per year, per person, but a small donor committee may give a candidate 10 times more than a regular political action committee, like CODPAC.
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: The committee meets for two hours, two to three times per year. During election years, additional hours are needed to meet with legislative candidates.
Committee Members:
Dr. Jeff Kahl, Chair
Dr. Zach Alleman, Treasurer
Dr. Donny Hull
Dr. Ethan Kerns
Dr. Carrie Mauterer
Dr. Leah Schulz
Dr. Jillian Stacey
Staff Liaison:
Molly Pereira, 303-996-2844
Other CDA Entities
CDA Foundation
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Meetings are quarterly, typically held by Zoom and in person in the evening.
The CDA Foundation is the CDA's 501(c)3 non-profit entity dedicated to access to care, dental education and professional wellbeing. Learn more.
Board Members:
Robin Wandschneider, Chair (public member)
Molly Pereira, President
CDA Members
Dr. Wayne Cottam
Dr. Melissa Hatzidakis
Dr. Kjeld Nelson
Dr. Kevin Patterson
Dr. Ken Peters
Dr. Cal Utke
Public Members
Chris Hammelev
Danielle Heyse
Jason Lewis
Adam Pollack
Julie Collett
CDA Enterprises
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Meetings are quarterly, typically held in person on Fridays.
The Colorado Dental Association Enterprises Board plays a key role in overseeing and recommending companies, products, and services for endorsement to the CDA Board of Trustees. This involves evaluating and monitoring current endorsement programs to ensure their quality and integrity. The board's responsibilities include working with other committees to assess the success of endorsements, gathering feedback from members through various methods like surveys and focus groups, and suggesting companies for potential endorsements. They also ensure that endorsed products meet set standards and regularly host meetings with vendors to discuss ongoing obligations and performance. Additionally, the Board makes sure that endorsed programs are exclusive to CDA members and that all parties meet their commitments. To achieve these goals, the board collaborates with internal and external stakeholders, establishes endorsement criteria, reviews the viability of existing programs, conducts member satisfaction surveys, and organizes events while aligning with CDA's and local components' schedules. Learn more.
Committee Members:
Dr. Sheena Schoch, President
Pam Brockhaus, Treasurer
Dr. Nate Kunzman
Dr. Brett Levin
Dr. Michael Raizen
Linda Ryan
Dr. Colleen Schook
Franny Rogers
Phil Nieto
Dr. Heidi Winquist
Molly Pereira
Amanda Dougherty
CDA Group Purchasing Organization
Get Involved!
Volunteer time commitment: Meetings are twice a year on Zoom or as needed.
The CDA established a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) with The Dentists Supply Company (TDSC), Powered by Henry Schein. When members purchase dental supplies and small equipment from TDSC they can reduce their supply costs and generate non-dues revenue for the CDA. The CDA will get a small percentage back from every purchase. Learn more.
GPO Board of Directors:
Molly Pereira, President/CEO
Pam Brockhaus, CFO
Erica Carvin, Secretary
Dr. Katie Johnson
Dr. Angie Lee
Dr. B. Tim Marshall
Interested in getting involved? Contact Amanda Dougherty, CDA membership director, at 303-996-2842 or amanda@cdaonline.org.