Rust Never Sleeps

Krysia GabenskiFeatured News

By Michael Diorio, D.D.S., CDA Editor
From the Spring 2015 Journal of the Colorado Dental Assocation

The sun has set on the review of our Dental Practice Act and it will next be revisited in 2025.  With that milestone behind us, you might be thinking that it’s time for the CDA to go into hibernation, at least for legislative issues—however, if you really believe that, then this is a great time to read a little deeper into this issue of the journal.

Every legislative session, bills are proposed that can have a direct impact on how we care for the people of Colorado. This year is no exception. Jennifer Goodrum, CDA director of government relations, and our incredibly knowledgeable and talented lobbyists always have our backs at the state Capitol. Take a moment to read her article and then ask yourself two questions: 1. Will any of these issues affect me directly in my practice?  2. Was I even aware of these issues?

I bring up these two questions because of a question I hear on a regular basis: “What does the CDA do for me?”  My answer is simply: “a lot.” The CDA and all the local components are always looking for opportunities to better serve our members and protect our profession from threats. One of the big reasons we are able to do this effectively in Colorado is the high percentage of dentists who see the value in being a member. We actually have one of the highest membership rates in the country. There is strength in numbers. With solidarity we can continue to protect and improve how we care for our patients and hence, our livelihood. Even if your practice situation duplicates many of the other benefits the CDA offers, our legislative advocacy alone brings a healthy return on investment in dues.

Neil Young and Crazy Horse released an album in 1979 titled “Rust Never Sleeps.” The same can be said about everyone in Colorado involved with organized dentistry—and that means the staff, elected officers, board members, trustees and volunteers. They are always there to fend off the corrosion that tries to eat away at our profession. Rust, in dentistry, never sleeps and neither do we.