By Lindsay Compton, D.D.S., CDA President
From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association

Majestic Maroon Bells peaks and Maroon Lake on a sunny day and blue sky in summer near Aspen, Colorado
As a CDA officer, my term runs from June to June – or from Annual Session to Annual Session. This year has brought so many unexpected twists and turns and I can’t believe my year as president is nearing its end. In some ways it feels like our work has just begun but when I reflect on the past 11 months, I’m proud of how much we accomplished.
We have worked hard to overcome severe staff shortages and the vacancy of an executive director. We have taken a lead in the insurance reform space with our legislative efforts. We have evaluated nationwide Medicaid rates and advocated for change in this space. We have spent hundreds of hours reviewing the current Dental Practice Act and started the important process of preparing for Sunset Review. We have increased our endorsed services and products to better serve our dentists, and we have implemented free wellness counseling services to our members and their household members. At the direction of the 2022 House of Delegates, we also established three task forces to study: workforce, Medicaid and dental assistant scope. I look forward to their reports at this year’s meeting in June, which is a perfect segway to my next topic.
It is my honor to invite you to the CDA Annual Session June 8-10 in Snowmass Village, CO – a location that this meeting hasn’t been to since 2011. Far too long if you ask me! The Annual Session is a perfect way to start your summer. It’s the second weekend of June this year and we have great things planned for you.
The Fun Part
This is a meeting that is family friendly, relaxed and a balance of work and play. When you’re not in class or in meetings, Snowmass Village and Aspen offer countless opportunities for fun, fresh air, outdoor adventure and a little shopping. The hiking and biking trails are endless, there are tons of fantastic restaurants, and don’t forget, this area is home to the famous Maroon Bells.
The Learning Part
We believe in learning with altitude. We have five great CE courses lined up for you covering anesthesia techniques, using lasers, cosmetic dentistry and more. Visit to learn more about our lineup and incredible speakers.
The Part Where We Make a Difference
The Annual Session is also the location of our annual House of Delegates meeting where important issues regarding dentistry and the CDA are discussed, debated and decided. Important this year are resolutions focused on the Sunset Review of the Dental Practice Act, the laws that govern our profession. If you’ve never been a delegate to the CDA before, please join us this year. No training is needed, and we would love to have your presence and perspective.
I can’t wait to see you in June!
Register for the CDA Annual Session! June 8-10 in Snowmass Village, CO. |