Dr. Michael Diorio was elected vice president of AADEJ.
Three Colorado dentists have pushed beyond state borders to be elected into national and international positions. Congratulations to Dr. Michael Diorio, Dr. Terry Brewick, and Dr. Jim Setterberg.
Dr. Diorio was elected vice president of the American Association for Dental Editors and Journalists (AADEJ). AADEJ is an organization of national and international dental editors who meet each year to discuss ethics in publications and communications as well as topics relevant to provide to the profession.
Dr. Brewick was elected international vice president of the Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA) at PFA’s Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with the ADA Meeting in October. PFA is an international honorary dental society with over 11,000 fellows in 83 countries. Previously, Dr. Brewick served for four years as the Region 10 PFA trustee and six years as the PFA Colorado Section chair.

Dr. Terry Brewick was elected international vice president of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
Dr. Setterberg was elected vice president of the U.S. Section of the International College of Dentists (ICD). The ICD is an international honor society of dentists, established in 1920, with over 12,000 fellows in 122 countries
All three above mentioned dentists will assume their new roles in 2018, before advancing to the positions of president-elect in 2019 and president in 2020.
ACD, ICD, PFA Combined College Breakfast and Meeting

Dr. Jim Setterberg was elected vice president of the U.S. Section of the International College of Dentists.
The annual Combined College Breakfast for fellows of ACD, ICD and PFA will be Jan. 18, 2018, from 6:45 a.m. to 8 a.m., prior to the opening session of the 2018 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention. The breakfast will be held at the Crown Plaza Denver, 1450 Glenarm Pl., Denver, CO 80202.
Invitations will be emailed to all Colorado college fellows, and it is imperative that RSVPs and payment are made by Friday, Jan. 12, 2018, to Dr. Kevin Sessa. The cost is $38 (checks ONLY, no credit cards). Space is limited and walk-ins are discouraged. If you have questions or did not receive an invitation, please contact Dr. Kevin Sessa, deputy regent for ICD-Colorado, at kdsessadds@aol.com or 303-449-8165.