June 28, 2016
Members of the CDA installed a new president and welcomed new members to its Executive Committee at the 2016 CDA Annual Session in Loveland, Colo.
Dr. Michael Varley was installed as the 130th president of the CDA. Dr. Varley earned a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Michigan University and Master of Science from Wayne State University. Before attending and after graduating from the University of Detroit School of Dentistry, he served as a part-time faculty member until moving to Colorado and entering private practice. His Highlands Ranch general dental practice of almost 30 years focuses on functional and aesthetic dental services. Dr. Varley is a past president of both the Metro Denver Dental Society (MDDS) and the Metropolitan Denver Dental Foundation. He has served the CDA and MDDS in several capacities, including as co-chair of the 2011 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention, a member of the CDA Board of Trustees and a member of the finance council for both the CDA and MDDS. Dr. Varley has been the treasurer of the American Equilibration Society and is a fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
New to the Executive Committee is Dr. Jason Ehtessabian, who was elected treasurer during the 2016 House of Delegates meeting. Dr. Ehtessabian graduated from dental school at the University of Iowa in 2005, after earning an undergraduate degree at Marquette University. In 2007, Dr. Ehtessabian spent six months as a volunteer in Tanzania, Africa, where he earned the Excellence in the Dental Field Award from HealthCare Volunteer. In 2008, he moved to Burlington, Colo., where he met his wife, Morgan, and established Burlington Family Dentistry. He achieved the Fellowship award (FAGD) from the Academy of General Dentistry in 2013. Dr. Ehtessabian also received an Academic Certificate (C.DSM) from the Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines in 2015 and is a candidate for the Diplomate award from both the American Sleep and Breathing Academy and the Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorder Disciplines in 2016. Dr. Ehtessabian moved to Castle Rock in 2016 and is in the process of opening his new office, Refresh Snoring and Sleep Apnea Center. He has served on the CODPAC, ADPAC and Small Donor Committee and as co-chair of the CDA Government Relations Council.
The CDA Executive Committee is comprised of seven officers elected by the House of Delegates and three ex-officio (non-voting) members that include the speaker of the house, editor and executive director. Rounding out the Executive Committee for the 2016-2017 term are Dr. Gary Field, immediate past president; Dr. Carol Morrow, president-elect; Dr. Karen Foster, first vice president; Dr. Jeff Kahl, second vice president and secretary; Dr. David Lurye, speaker of the house; Dr. Mike Diorio, editor; and Greg Hill, executive director. Learn more about these leaders.
2016 CDA Awardees
During the House of Delegates meeting, the CDA recognized three leaders in the dental community who have gone above and beyond in support of the association and organized dentistry.

Though not able to make it to the House of Delegates, Michael Gilbert, the CDA’s longtime attorney, received the CDA Oral Health Advocate Award for protecting the association for decades and offering valuable guidance, when necessary.
Board of Trustees Update
Also during the 2016 Annual Session, the CDA Board of Trustees approved three policies—on antitrust compliance, conflicts of interest and harassment. These policies were designed to protect your association as well as protect members at CDA events.