Apply for the Diversity in Leadership Class of 2019-2020

Kelsey CreehanFeatured News

The CDA created Diversity in Leadership to enhance the leadership skills of dentists of all backgrounds and to bring a variety of professional and personal experiences to our leadership team. This program is designed to develop the competencies and skills that both current and future leaders need in their offices and outside of the office setting.

Diversity in Leadership participants will develop leadership skills through an accelerated program of education, mentoring and executive coaching. This program will also broaden their professional network and give participants the opportunity to apply what they have learned to a leadership project. Participants also will have a hand in selecting and then mentoring the next class of participants.

Who Should Apply
Talented and highly motivated individuals, both CDA members and non-CDA members, who belong to underrepresented groups and practice models. Those who have an interest in demonstrating leadership in their communities and profession should apply. Candidates in their final year of dental school or residency are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Time Commitment
Applicants should be willing to commit substantial time to the two-year program by participating in the following activities:

  • Three face-to-face all-day leadership training courses:
    • April 26, 2019
    • Sept. 20, 2019
    • April 17, 2020
  • Networking dinners in Denver prior to the training courses. Dinners will be held from 6-8 p.m.:
    • April 25, 2019
    • Sept. 19, 2019
    • April 16, 2020
  • Mini Leadership Workshops, available in person or via video conference) from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on:
    • June 19, 2019
    • Aug. 21, 2019
    • Nov. 6, 2019
    • Feb. 5, 2020
  • Active participation in the online platform
  • Completion of a leadership project
  • Mentorship of a Diversity in Leadership future class

Apply or Nominate a Fellow Dentist
The deadline to apply for the 2019-2020 class is Feb. 28, 2019.  Apply online or nominate a dentist you think would excel in this program by emailing contact information to CDA Director of Membership Erica Carvin at Accepted applicants will be notified by March. 15, 2019. The program is free for CDA members and $250 for non-CDA members.