2017 Lobby Day Registration Is Open!

Molly PereiraFeatured News

colorado-state-capitolThe CDA needs dentists from across the state to join us in meeting legislators and providing them with information on the importance of dental health. Why? Because dental health matters. Prior experience is not needed. The CDA will supply resources and training to those who volunteer for the event.

Event Details

Date: Friday, Feb. 17, 2017
Time: 8 a.m.-noon
Where: Colorado State Capitol Building, 200 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203

The Issues

Here are some of the issues we’ll be engaging with legislators on:

  • Dental plan policies that set fees for non-covered dental services.
  • Dental plan practices that do not serve the best interest of patients, including the design of pediatric deductibles in some embedded dental plans.
  • Patients’ right to choose their providers, including those who are out-of-network for their insurance plans.
  • Health insurance reform, which will be a big conversation at the state Capitol as health costs continue to rise.
  • Budget issues, as state spending continues to be heavily constrained by TABOR.


RSVP by Feb. 10. Your official RSVP is important as it allows us to plan for meeting space, food and transportation, in addition to creating personalized dentist/legislator packets that help make your visit easy and productive.

Have Questions?

Contact Jennifer Goodrum at jennifer@cdaonline.org with questions.