September 15, 2014
On Saturday, the Colorado State Board of Dentistry published dates for upcoming rulemaking hearings related to the 2014 Sunset Review bill (HB14-1227). Four committees have been established to address topics addressed in the Sunset Review bill. Rulemaking will cover topics like anesthesia, continuing education, fines, licensing changes and more. Dates and details on the topics covered in each hearing are listed below. All meetings will be held at DORA’s facility at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202.
- Monday, September 15 at 7 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will discuss recommending amendments to the current anesthesia rule (Rule XIV) and implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to the sedation/anesthesia permit and inspection process. - Tuesday, September 16 at 7 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will discuss implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to the new continuing education requirements and fining authority. - Wednesday, September 24 at 5 pm in Conference Room 110 D
The committee will meet a 2nd time in order to further discuss recommending amendments to the current anesthesia rule (Rule XIV) and implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to the sedation/anesthesia permit and inspection process. - Thursday, September 25 at 6 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will discuss implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to lasers, limited prescribing and dispensing for hygienists, and construction of dental devices by unlicensed persons. - Friday, September 26 at 6 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will discuss recommending amendments to the current licensing rule (Rule III) and implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to licensing, confidential agreements, reporting drug/alcohol related arrests, and unprofessional conduct. - Tuesday, September 30 at 7 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will meet a 2nd time in order to further discuss implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to the new continuing education requirements and fining authority. - Thursday, October 2 at 6 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will meet a 2nd time in order to further discuss implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to lasers, limited prescribing and dispensing for hygienists, and construction of dental devices by unlicensed persons. - Friday, October 3 at 6 pm in Conference Room 1250 C
The committee will meet a 2nd time in order to further discuss recommending amendments to the current licensing rule (Rule III) and implementing HB14-1227 as it relates to licensing, confidential agreements, reporting drug/alcohol related arrests, and unprofessional conduct.
Attendance Details: Please note that for after hours meetings, access to DORA’s building is limited. The parking garage below DORA’s building is inaccessible. Nearby surface parking lots should be utilized. After hours access to the building is only through the entrance at 16th Avenue and Broadway (go up the stairs/escalator from the 16th Street mall shuttle stop). You may need to knock on the door to alert the security guard that you have arrived. You will need to be escorted through the building, as all elevators and doors require a key card after hours. With these security protocols in mind, you may want to arrive a few minutes early for the meeting.
The State Board will consider recommendations from these committees at a rulemaking hearing on Wednesday, October 29 at 1 pm in Conference Room 110 D. Additional rulemaking hearings are anticipated at the January 22, 2015 and April 29, 2015 State Board meetings.