Mahi Palanisami

Two years ago, I shattered a tooth. I was working at a community event, and out of nowhere, I felt my tooth crumble.  Thankfully, I had health insurance through Medicaid. That night, I looked up dentists online, and found one almost immediately. I was able to schedule an appointment within a few days. I was a bit stressed, but the appointment went smoothly. The dentist ground away my old tooth and replaced it with a new one.

At the time of the incident, I had just started a company with my husband. We were just getting our footing as a company, and money was tight. Without Medicaid, I would have had to spend the little money we had on the dental procedure, but because I was covered, I was able to put that money towards our business.  In the past, I’ve gone years without health and dental coverage. Medicaid changed all that. It helped me grow my business and significantly reduced the stress in my life.

Mahi Palanisami, Denver

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