Zaida Garcia

I have a really big smile. That’s one of the reasons I know I have to take care of my teeth. I didn’t always have access to affordable dental care. That didn’t do my teeth any favors. Neither did drinking a couple cups of coffee every day (ok, like 4 or 5). What can I say? I have two kids to keep up with.

Over time, my teeth became increasingly sensitive. Eating certain types of foods became impossible. I knew I needed to see a dentist, but all of our spare dollars were going towards the kids, so I just had to put it off.

I moved to Colorado two years ago, and got dental coverage by enrolling in Medicaid. I promptly found a dentist and scheduled a teeth cleaning. I ended up needing a root canal and cap for a tooth that otherwise would have needed to be pulled. The dentist’s office took their time, made me feel comfortable, and assured me that I could always come back if I had any lingering issues. To top it off, Medicaid covered everything.

The cap on my tooth is the perfect shade—not too light, not too dark. I still have a big smile, because I know that nobody can tell a thing!

Zaida Garcia, Aurora

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