Note: CDA members may be able to access expanded information by logging in RevenueWell 855-415-9355 CDA Member Benefit: receive two months of free service plus, save over $700 in setup and subscription fees, free phone hardware and receive 1 free month of service with RevenueWell Phone. RevenueWell makes it easy to create personalized patient campaigns (via email, text and …
Read the Room
By Molly Pereira, Interim Executive Director From the Winter 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association We’ve all heard the phrase, “it’s not what you say, but how you say it.” I believe that and preach it, but the other way to say this is, “it’s not what you say, but what they hear.” We all communicate with people each day, …
Pitfalls—The “Non-Dental” Type
By H. Candace DeLapp, D.D.S., Executive Director, Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado From the Spring 2021 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association Anger by a patient is often the nidus for a patient leaving a practice, making a demand, filing a Colorado Dental Board Complaint or even litigation. Interestingly, it is not always because of the quality of care provided …