How to Cope With Burnout as a Dentist

Elisa LlodraFeatured News

From the Summer 2022 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association We need to have a conversation about dentists and stress. Some may not think of dentistry as one of the world’s most stressful occupations, but research consistently shows that it is. The levels of stress and burnout that dentists around the world are facing on a daily basis is alarming but …

Creating Your Own Stress

Elisa LlodraFeatured News

By Molly Pereira, CDA Interim Executive Director From the Summer 2022 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association This weekend my daughter sat me down on the couch. She sat on the ottoman across from me with her Chromebook from school and proceeded to make a presentation to me about what causes stress, what stress does and how to avoid excessive stress.  …