Volunteers Needed

Kelsey CreehanFeatured News

CERP Advisory Committee

The CDA is looking for volunteers to serve on the CDA Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) Advisory Committee. The CERP Advisory Committee is an objective entity that provides peer review and direction for the CERP program and the continuing education provider. The committee will be working this year to review its needs assessment and objectives. Volunteers would expect to spend 10-15 hours per year, mostly via conference calls or webinars, reviewing applications for CE courses. If you wish to be considered for the committee, please contact Greg Hill at greg@cdaonline.org.

CDA Enterprises

CDA Enterprises (CDAE), the for-profit subsidiary of the CDA, is seeking board members with a passion and vision to grow a startup-like company. CDA Enterprises manages and supports the marketing of the CDA Endorsed Products as well as the X-ray Training Education Course. CDAE wishes to expand its product offerings, and design new products and services to serve dentists in Colorado and across the country. The ideal candidate has a strong business background (degree in business) and a strong entrepreneurial vision. Board members are not required to be dentists or even CDA members. Volunteers would expect to spend 10-20 hours per year and commit to board meetings every two months, which can be conducted by video conference. If you wish to be considered for the board of directors, please contact Greg Hill at greg@cdaonline.org.