Funding the Foundation

Molly PereiraFeatured News

CDA_2013logo_CMYKBy Greg Hill, J.D., C.A.E.
From the Fall 2016 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association

When the CDA officers gathered this summer to begin discussing the association’s five-year strategic plan, they focused on their vision that the CDA be the recognized leading advocate for oral health in Colorado. To make sure the dental profession continues to occupy this space, the CDA is implementing a multi-pronged strategy, including better using its nonprofit, the CDA Foundation.

Recently, the CDA Charitable and Educational Fund became the CDA Foundation. With a new set of bylaws, strategic plan, board of directors and logo, the foundation will play a much larger role than in the past. The CDA Foundation will support the CDA’s access-to-care agenda and partner with its Dental Health Matters efforts to increase discussions about oral health and the dental profession in Colorado communities, and advocate for smart improvements that increase access to dental care.

We hope that by better aligning the work of the foundation to the strategic goals of the association and by being more transparent in what our mission entails, more CDA members will contribute financially to the CDA Foundation. Our goal is to double the amount of donors, from 400 to 800, and increase the average contribution, from $25 to $100. One easy way to contribute is through the CDA Easy Pay program when you pay your annual dues. Many members already have taken advantage of this option. And because the CDA Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, your contributions are tax-deductible.

The CDA Foundation’s new strategic plan is simple, but it’s a very important part of the CDA’s strategy to advocate on behalf of members and to grow membership. We ask our members to get involved at the component or state levels through councils and committees, and many do. But for others, attending meetings and serving as component leaders just isn’t realistic. Making a financial contribution to your foundation is an easy and effective way for you to get more involved and to make a difference in the CDA’s strategic vision. To make a contribution, email me at or call me at 303-996-2846 or 800-343-3010 x106.

I ask you as a member of the CDA, whether you’re a past donor or making your first contribution, to join us as we take the CDA Foundation to a new level and secure the CDA’s position in Colorado as the leading advocate for oral health in the state.

The CDA Foundation

To increase annual support of the foundation, align the goals and objectives of the foundation to the CDA’s access-to-care vision, support rural and underserved dental access expansion and encourage dental professional well-being.

The CDA Foundation is an essential component of the CDA’s access-to-care and charitable initiatives and champions dental professional well-being.

Giving Tuesday Is Nov. 29

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and with it comes Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday. The CDA Foundation has joined the Giving Tuesday global day of giving as it kicks off the charitable season. If you’re looking to donate to a local charitable fund, why not support the CDA Foundation? Visit to learn more.