Gov. Jared Polis conducted a press conference on Dec. 9 with a presentation announcing the state’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan for Providers and Coloradans.

Phase 1B includes healthcare workers with less direct contact with COVID-19 patients and specifically dental professionals.
Phase 1 will take place this winter, however details are still to come on the logistics of Phase 1B distribution.
On Dec. 4 the state placed its first order for 46,800 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and on Dec. 10 it will place an order for 95,600 doses of the Moderna vaccine. The first shipment of the Pfizer vaccine is expected in Colorado the week of Dec. 13. Phase 1 distribution of the vaccine is planned to conclude by the end of February 2021, however, it is dependent on the federal supply chain.

If you have questions about your eligibility contact 877-462-2911 or visit