Today, CDPHE released the 10th amended Public Health Order that impacts dental procedures and treatment.
Read the latest version of PHO 20-29.
The latest revision of PHO 20-29 made just a few changes. We encourage you to read the order in its entirety. Following, are the noted changes that appear in this 10th amended version of PHO 20-29.
- As of Jan. 12, 2021, there were 364,336 known cases of COVID-19 in Colorado. 4,281 Coloradans have died from COVID-19.
N95 Fit Testing:
- More specific language was added regarding fit testing: “If the workforce is to use N95 respirators for direct patient care, fit testing on the model to be used and additional training on how to perform a seal check must be completed prior to use.”
Infection Control:
- In regard to the timing of symptomatic employees being released from isolation, it was added that, “A limited number of people with severe illness or immunocompromising conditions may require longer isolation.”
- Under the Definitions section, “Individuals with Down Syndrome” were added to the list of “Individuals at Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19.”
This version of PHO 20-29 will expire 30 days from Jan. 12, 2021 unless extended, rescinded, superseded or amended in writing.