By Myriah Shimatsu From the Winter 2021 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association It is that time of year where you reflect, refocus and set resolutions for the new year. After such a strange 2020, taking time to reflect on what went well and where you want to create a change through goal setting is strongly encouraged. Refocus your energy …
Get Involved: Official Call for CDA Delegates and Officers
Calling all dentists! Serve your profession and enjoy a fun weekend in the mountains with CE and the famous hot springs of Glenwood! CDA Annual Session June 4-7, 2020 Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs, CO Represent your component as a delegate to serve the CDA or run for a CDA officer or ADA delegate position! Register with Your Component to …
Be a Leader in Your Profession: Official Call for CDA Delegates and Officers
The CDA Annual Session is a weekend that combines leadership with CDA business, professional wellbeing and CE in a family-friendly location. This year, we’re holding the meeting at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. This is a great opportunity to get involved with organized dentistry. Volunteer to be a CDA delegate or run for a leadership position! Register With …
Membership Matters in the House of Delegates in June
The CDA’s governing body convenes each year at the Annual Session. The House of Delegates, made up of representatives from the state’s component societies, votes on resolutions that affect the CDA and its membership. This year’s resolutions are now available on the CDA website. Read the resolutions and view the proposed budget for 2017-18. Among the resolutions is one brought …
Will You Be a Delegate at the 2017 Annual Session in Vail?
The CDA is calling for delegates and resolutions for its 2017 House of Delegates and nominations for open leadership positions in the association. It’s a great opportunity to get involved with organized dentistry. Volunteer to be a delegate today! Be a CDA Delegate The House of Delegates is Saturday, June 10. Represent your component as a delegate. The CDA needs …