Update on Non-Covered Services Bill – The Battle Has Begun

Molly PereiraFeatured News

March 9, 2011

Have you taken action? Have you written to your legislators to ask for their support on the bill that would prevent dental insurers from dictating what fees you can charge for non-covered services?

The dental insurance industry has convinced labor unions to join them in writing letters and making calls to kill this bill before it is even introduced.  They have swayed two of our bill co-sponsors already.  A day cannot go by without your legislator receiving encouragement FROM YOU to support this bill. 

This message has the greatest impact when it comes from you. Communicating with your legislator is incredibly easy to do through the CDA Website – we provide all the information you need.  If your legislators have not committed to support this bill, call or e-mail them and ask them to commit today!  If your legislators have committed to support the bill, call or e-mail them and thank them for their support.  Either way, you must pick up your phone and go to the CDA Website to be sure your voice is heard NOW.  If you wait for a week, Colorado dentists may have to wait for another year before this predatory business practice is stopped.  It is worth your time! Take action today at cdaonline.org/actnow.

Update on the specifics of this bill:
As we’ve relayed before, a number of dental plans have amended their contracts with participating dentists to require you, the dentist, to discount your fees for services the plan doesn’t pay for. Dental plans like Delta Dental, United, and others are requiring you to adhere to their fee schedule even though premiums weren’t paid to cover these non-covered services and the dental plan doesn’t pay a dime for them. Depending on the patient’s plan, this policy can impact a variety of services – ranging from teeth whitening to in-office sedation to orthodontia and more.  The plan does not cover these services or negotiate the reimbursement with you.  They discount your fees without your input.

The state legislature will be considering a bill very soon to outlaw dental plans’ practice of setting fees and interfering with non-covered services. The critical time for this bill is NOW! It’s expected that the bill will be introduced in the state legislature in the next two weeks. To ensure the bill’s success, we are working to secure the 52 votes (18 in the Senate, 33 in the House and the Governor) needed to pass this bill before the bill is introduced. Time is running out to add co-sponsors! We need your help to get the critical final votes needed to pass this bill.

In their own words, the dental insurers have declared war on dentists and will stop at nothing to defeat this bill. This bill is vitally important to your patients and your practice, and its success depends on YOU. If we are to win this victory for patients and the profession, it’s critical that you step up by actively and repeatedly communicating with your legislators about the importance of their support!  Ask your legislator to vote “yes” in support of this critical dental bill.  Visit cdaonline.org/actnow for more information and to easily write your legislator today!