Boulder County Dentists Care for Community

Jennifer GoodrumFeatured News

June 6, 2011

For the ninth year, dentists in Boulder County participated in the annual Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) Adopt-a-Smile/Free Dental Care Program.  Teresa Marshall, R.N., M.S.N., and Susan Rowley, R.N., M.S., C.P.N.P., have administered the program for its entirety and contacted the CDA to express their gratitude toward the dental profession.

“I am so impressed, considering our current economic downturn, that each year our local dentists demonstrate their caring and generosity by becoming volunteer dentists stepping forward to donate their services,” said Marshall.

School dental screenings were conducted at seven BVSD schools, and Family Resource Schools continued their dental screenings at five elementary schools that have the highest percentage of students participating in the free and/or reduced cost lunch program.

This program was able to assist 26 students with $23,874 dollars worth of donated dental care. Despite our current economy, 24 local dentists participated in the Adopt-a-Smile program.  BVSD collaborates closely with Dental Aid, Inc. and treatment plans/x-rays are forwarded to the Adopt-a-Smile dentist.

Marshall continued, “Parents, students, teachers and nurses in the BVSD are sincerely appreciative of the care and generosity of our local dentists, 11 of which have participated for all nine years!  As we all know, ‘healthy kids make better learners!’”

Thank you to the following dentists who have made such a difference in the lives of so many individuals.

Dr. Julie Brown
Dr. Steven Buffer
Dr. Bill Davis
Dr. Kristy Dhaliwal
Dr. Phil Harwood
Dr. Jana Ikeda
Dr. Michael Israelson
Dr. Mark Jaffee
Dr. Byford Jarvis
Dr. Lori Kemmet
Dr. Stephen Koral
Dr. Kimberly Kretsch
Dr. Hani Marogil
Dr. Nicole McNear
Dr. F. Robert Murphy
Dr. Ken Poulsen
Dr. Alan Reisman
Dr. Adam Saeks
Dr. Andrew Sewell
Dr. Kevin Sessa
Dr. Paul Sica
Dr. Thomas Simpson
Dr. Corbett Summers
Dr. David Welden