Note: CDA members may be able to access expanded information by logging in.
CDA Member Benefit: Free Hg5 collection container and Hg5 recycle kit.
If you order an Hg5 amalgam separator system, you will receive a free Hg5 collection container as your member benefit and Solmetex will also include an Hg5 recycle kit (a $338 value).
Solmetex Hg5 Series of amalgam separators is compact, economical and easily maintained; the standard Hg5 system can service up to 10 chairs. If space is at a premium, the Hg5 Mini fits into a lab cabinet and services up to four chairs. The collection container change process is simple – no tools, no mess. It is packaged for delivery to a recycler and a certificate will be uploaded to that can be easily printed or downloaded as a PDF for your records.
Solmetex has created a certificate login that contains training and inspection logs dental facilities can use with their Hg5 amalgam separator operations and maintenance plans. Facilities should maintain a good record keeping system and plan on keeping records for no less than three years. Download the employee training log and visual inspection log, or visit the Solmetex website.
To order, complete the Solmetex Member Benefit Form and contact your local dental products dealer. Mention that you are a member of the CDA to receive your free collection container!
Amalgam Separator Regulations
On Dec. 15, 2016, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final regulation regarding the handling of dental amalgam waste. The new federal rules will require most U.S. dental offices to use a qualifying amalgam separator and comply with industry best management practices (BMPs) to reduce amalgam waste. Dental offices will have three years to come into compliance with the newly issued EPA standards. The CDA has outlined what dentists need to know in this Winter 2017 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association article. Solmetex also has released a press release and article regarding this regulation.