From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association trau·ma noun A deeply distressing or disturbing Often results from exposure to an incident or series of events that are emotionally disturbing or life-threatening with lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, and/or spiritual well-being. We all know someone who has recently experienced a trauma. This could be a …
Some Risk, Some Management
By Candace DeLapp, D.D.S. From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association Dentistry is different today, not just on a clinical level, but also from a risk management perspective. Patients today may be looking for care with different attitudes and heightened expectations. It is not uncommon to encounter more demanding, unaccepting, and intolerant patients who become threatening when there …
Compliance with the July 1 Electronic Prescribing Law Can Also Mean Convenience
By Robert McDermott From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association On July 1, Colorado dentists will be required to electronically prescribe Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances. This law builds on the 2018 mandate requiring prescribers to check the Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) prior to a second fill of any opioid in certain circumstances. These …
Are Credit Card Fees Affecting Your Bottom Line?
From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association It’s no surprise to small business owners that more and more consumers are paying for goods and services with debit and credit cards rather than cash. Data from the Federal Reserve shows that cash payments in 2020 declined sharply among consumers in every age group, and especially in two groups that consistently made …
Colorado Non-profit Hosts Inaugural Project in Chogoria, Kenya
By Leah Grygleski From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association In January 2023, Dr. Peter Vanicek boarded a flight from Denver, CO to Chogoria, Kenya. There he met up with co-trip Leader Nate Raymond to greet the arriving team of volunteer dentists, hygienists, and general (non-medical) volunteers. The group was organized by Global Dental Relief (GDR), a …
Calling All Pediatric Dentists – Shining a spotlight on two topics of interest
By Paul Bahn, D.M.D. From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association MIH (Molar Incisor Hypomineralization) During my training, the term MIH or molar incisor hypomineralization, was not readily established and the understanding of the etiology was, and still to this day, not fully understood. With the appearance of a newly erupted first permanent molar that rapidly deteriorates, it …
Modified Extra-oral Landmarks for the Gow-Gates Mandibular Division Nerve Block Anesthesia Injection Technique
By Alan Budenz, M.S., D.D.S., M.B.A From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association Introduction The Gow-Gates mandibular division nerve block injection technique is considered by many researchers and dental practitioners to be the most successful, consistent, and efficient method for obtaining mandibular quadrant anesthesia for dental procedures1-3. The Gow-Gates technique also has the lowest incidence of reported side-effects …
Reconnect, Refocus and Relax in Snowmass
By Lindsay Compton, D.D.S., CDA President From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association As a CDA officer, my term runs from June to June – or from Annual Session to Annual Session. This year has brought so many unexpected twists and turns and I can’t believe my year as president is nearing its end. In some ways it …
Women in DSO
By Carrie Mauterer, D.D.S., CDA Editor From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association Relaxation, connection and inspiration were abundant during a recent conference I attended named Women in DSO (or WinDSO for short). As the clinical director of my DSO, I wanted to meet other women who are holding powerful roles and also hear about the latest trends …
Do You Have FOMO? You Should
By Molly Pereira, CDA Executive Director/CEO From the Spring 2023 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association What were you doing in May of 2002? I was just starting my second full-time job; I had been hired as the director of communications for the Colorado Dental Association. I had a different last name, more stamps than I can remember in my …